
Get your KiwiSaver working hard, so one day you won’t have to

Get your KiwiSaver
working hard

so one day you won’t have to

Setting up your KiwiSaver correctly now will make a big difference for your future

Contributing to KiwiSaver is critical for ensuring you have a comfortable retirement and is often the best pathway to building a deposit for your first home.

There are a lot of KiwiSaver providers who offer a lot of different funds; it can get confusing and time-consuming. It may be tempting to go with your employer’s default provider and choose your funds without getting advice.

But to maximise the money in your KiwiSaver, you need to be strategic; your fund choices now will have a huge impact on your balance when you go to retire. Your portfolio should change as your life changes, from saving for your first home to focusing on saving for retirement and, later in life, getting ready to retire.

That’s where we come in.

Our KiwiSaver advisers will:

  • Give expert advice on the fund options
  • Help you decide which fund combination would suit your life stage and risk tolerance.
  • Advise you on KiwiSaver providers and their products (such as ethical fund options)
  • Manage the transfer of your KiwiSaver provider or change of funds if appropriate.
  • Expertly navigate your changing of funds over time as retirement gets nearer
  • Help you and your family members join KiwiSaver
  • Help you apply for a first home withdrawal and access your funds after you turn 65
  • Check that you’re on the correct tax rate
  • Are aware of the KiwiSaver tax credit and how to get the full benefit
  • Answer any KiwiSaver questions you have.

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Why Choose Us?

Because when it comes to your first home, you deserve the very best…

 Stress-free process

We act quickly to reduce the hassle and hold-ups of the financial approval process

 Expert advisers

We’re highly experienced and trained to help you through the mortgage approval process

Friendly service

We’re here for you and we genuinely care about helping make your dream a reality

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